Technical assistance and consultancy in the field of the environment, nuclear safety and civil protection: call for expressions of interest
The Commission has published a call for expressions of interest from contractors wishing to collaborate in the preparation, implementation and follow-up of the Fifth Community programme of policy and action in relation to the environment and sustainable development (OJ No C 138 of 17.5.1993 p. 1). The Commission will draw up a list of suitable candidates for participation in the preparation and implementation of this programme in the framework of study contracts and service-provision contracts. Private individuals or companies selected from this list will then be asked to submit detailed proposals to the Commission in response to restricted invitations to tender. This notice replaces the previous (OJ No C 105 of 20.4.1991 p. 14) and remains valid until 30.6.1997. Private individuals or companies wishing to be included on the list of potential contractors can therefore submit expressions of interest at any time before that date. The purpose of the technical assistance is to provide expertise primarily in the integration of the Community environment policy in the following priority areas: - Industry; - Energy; - Transport; - Agriculture; - Tourism. This call for expressions of interest concerns the following: - Involvement in the planning and implementation of information, awareness, education and training activities in the field of environment policy, including contacts with regional and local authorities and liaison with non-governmental organizations; - Consultancy and technical assistance in respect of methodologies for assessing the environmental impact of other Community policies, in particular those relating to industry, energy, transport, agriculture and tourism; - Planning, analysis, assessment and monitoring of measures and implementation of legislation relating to the protection of nature and habitats of wild flora and fauna, including marine species, the environmental conservation of species and land and marine habitats, and the integration of environmental considerations into agriculture; - Involvement in analyses and studies relating to economic instruments, the "polluter pays" principle, cost-benefit analyses, economic aspects of the interface between trade and the environment, the economic impact of civil liability, economic forecasting, green accounting and the financial assessment of environmental protection policies; - Involvement in the planning, implementation and monitoring of Community environment law and legal aspects of the implementation of the fifth action programme and international environmental conventions; - Scientific and technical consultancy or technical assistance and involvement in the planning and implementation of training, information and awareness activities and pilot projects relating to civil protection, environmental emergencies and accidental pollution of the sea by oil and other dangerous substances; - Technical assistance in the field of radiation protection: . Provision of information, training courses, dosimetry programmes; . Treatment and monitoring of radioactive waste according to type of installation, and natural radioactivity; . Medical prevention measures. - Assessment and analysis work in the field of nuclear safety, including the Central and Eastern European countries and the Commonwealth of Independent States. - Technical and scientific consultancy or technical assistance relating to the award of the eco-label, and environmental impact assessment and life-cycle analysis techniques; - Technical assistance relating to environmental management and auditing in companies; - Involvement in work relating to biotechnology risk assessment and control; - Provision of services and technical assistance in the field of the control of chemicals, including biocides; - Consultancy work and the provision of expertise relating to large industrial plants and emissions from such plants: . Management of industrial hazards; . Integrated pollution control, pollution caused by dangerous substances discharged into water and into the atmosphere; . Combating of sulphur emissions and their transfrontier fluxes as well as pollution caused by waste from the titanium dioxide industry and by asbestos; - Consultancy work and the provision of expertise relating to general aspects, including general legislative aspects, of waste policy: . Hazardous waste; . Municipal waste; . Industrial waste; . Sewage sludge; . Specific waste flows; . Incineration of waste and municipal waste; . Clean technologies; . Recyling; . Refuse and disposal, including landfilling and incineration. - Analyses, studies and monitoring of measures relating to air quality (reactive and non-reactive pollutants, control, costs, impact on health and ecosystems), the reduction of vehicle emissions, fuel quality (composition of motor fuels biofuels and alternative fuels, costs/benefits), and the integration of transport policy into the urban environment; - Analysis, planning and monitoring of measures relating to climate change, the combating of the greenhouse effect, the geosphere, the protection and sustainable management of forests, in particular tropical forests, the protection of biological diversity and the ozone layer, and the relationship between population and environment and desertification; - Consultancy work and provision of expertise relating to the protection of water, and the monitoring of water quality and water pollution (drinking water, surface water, bathing water and ground water): . Drawing-up of inventories of water-pollution sources (scientific aspects); Management of water resources; . Technical matters relating to wastewater collection, treatment and recycling; . Management of coastal areas and integration of tourism into the environment. Responses to this call for proposals should be sent to: European Commission Assistant to the Director-General Directorate-General for the Environment, Nuclear Safety and Civil Protection DG XI 200 rue de la Loi (BU 5/3/25) B-1049 Brussels