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Bangemann report: Europe and the global information society

In its Brussels meeting of December 1993, the European Council requested that a report be prepared for its meeting on 24-25 June 1994 in Corfu by a group of prominent persons on the specific measures to be taken into consideration by the Community and the Member States for inf...

In its Brussels meeting of December 1993, the European Council requested that a report be prepared for its meeting on 24-25 June 1994 in Corfu by a group of prominent persons on the specific measures to be taken into consideration by the Community and the Member States for infrastructure in the sphere of information. On the basis of this report, the Council will adopt an operational programme defining precise procedures for action and the necessary means. The report recommends that actions be taken at European level and by Member States to strike down entrenched positions which put Europe at a competitive disadvantage: - By fostering an entrepreneurial mentality to enable the emergence of new dynamic sectors of the economy; - By developing a common regulatory approach to bring forth a competitive, Europe-wide market for information services. In addition to its specific recommendations, the report proposes an action plan of concrete initiatives based on a partnership between the private and public sectors to carry Europe forward into the information society. The Members of the High-Level Group on the Information Society responsible for the report are: Martin Bangemann, Enrico Cabral da Fonseca, Peter Davis, Carlo de Benedetti, Pehr Gyllenhammar, Lothar Hunsel, Pierre Lescure, Pascual Maragall, Gaston Thorn, Candido Velazquez-Gastelu, Peter Bonfield, Etienne Davignon, Jean-Marie Descarpentries, Brian Ennis, Hans-Olaf Henkel, Anders Knutsen, Constantin Makropoulos, Romano Prodi, Jan Timmer and Heinrich von Pierer. The full version of the report, entitled "Europe and the Global Information Society - Recommendations to the European Council", is available on the World Wide Web at the address in the CPA field below.

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