Euro-ISDN feasibility studies
An open call for tender for feasibility studies in the domain of Euro-ISDN for 1994 has been published by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Telecommunications, Information Market, and Exploitation of Research (DG XIII). In the context of the envisaged Community action on an Integrated Digital Services Network for trans-European networks (TEN-ISDN), a preliminary phase will be carried out during 1994-95. It consists of a series of feasibility studies to be launched in 1994. The performance of the studies will extend into 1995. A set of study areas for 1994 was published in the Official Journal on 26 March 1994. The second set of study areas invites proposals for feasibility studies. The terms of reference regarding these studies, containing the detailed technical specifications together with an administrative information package, will be sent on request. The study areas are as follows: - Analysis of the quality of service parameters for ISDN (reference TI 2.1/94): This study will analyse, from a user perspective, the important parameters that determine the quality of ISDN connection and services. A proposal for definition will be produced taking account of existing work on the topic and will be evaluated and checked with sector actors. The study is performed at the level of the European Union; - Network management for ISDN (reference TI 2.2/94): This study will produce a market survey for available network management tools for ISDN and will identify existing and missing standards. A comprehensive market evaluation, new network management requirements in relation to ISDN and a series of recommendations for the EU on how to proceed will be part of the study; - Analysis of the adaptation of a European NT1 to the US market (reference TI 2.3/94): Comprehensive analysis of all aspects in the context of adapting a European NT1 to US standards at the network side of the NT1; identify differences in standards, propose supported facilities, study legal and market aspects (including costs), and specify target architecture; - Telesurveillance and remote protection using Euro-ISDN (reference TI 2.4/94): In numerous domains increasing security needs arise. ISDN can enable the development of enhanced solutions in the professional and private domain. The study will provide an analysis of the status quo of the market, the potential advantages of using ISDN, the European availability and portability of products and market potentials; - Analysis of security issues for Euro-ISDN (reference TI 2.5/94): This project seeks to examine the security aspects of ISDN as they are seen by users and networks providers. Users and network security issues will be examined and discussed. A review of the legal situation, including in the USA, is needed. Specific attention has to be given to the ISDN services included on the basis of the Memorandum of Understanding; - Teleworking and telemeeting using Euro-ISDN (reference TI 2.6/94): The aim is to verify, within the framework of a user pilot at European level, the feasibility, efficiency and economical benefits of teleworking and telemeeting applications by using Euro-ISDN. A fixed minimum set of services/applications to be verified is specified. A PC platform is suitable. An evaluation phase will comprehensively analyse the results of the pilot phase. The entire analysis has to be documented in a full report; - Verification of Euro-ISDN services (reference TI 2.7/94): As a precursor to putting the Euro-label concept into operation, a first round of verification is done at European level for interoperability testing of Euro-ISDN compliant terminals in a multivendor environment. The first set of products to be tested includes Euro-file transfer, videophone, conference equipment, Facsimile Group IV, LAN interconnection equipment and terminal adapters. The study will define test schedules and conditions, execute the verification on a European basis and produce a verification report; - Development of a training concept (reference TI 2.8/94): Given the complexity of ISDN, it is no longer sufficient just to install the "plug". Notably, in particular for SMEs, installers must be well trained. Therefore, it is required to devise and organize a training concept for ISDN installers; - Telemedicine using Euro-ISDN (reference TI 2.9/94): This study will specify and prioritize the user requirements for a healthcare network and for the provision of healthcare information services. It will define the architecture of the healthcare network using Euro-ISDN, describe its functionalities and show the costs of its realization. It will also discuss the economic benefit of the network. One of the priorities of the Community's telecommunications policy is the development of a harmonized, generally available, advanced network base. Particular importance is attached to the harmonization of user/network interfaces. Successful examples of this policy are Euro-ISDN, GSM and DECT. In the context of the network development required for the information society, the Commission intends to launch three studies in this area. In addition, there is a fourth study area concerning advanced network development in Central and East European countries and in the CIS. All four studies will be carried out during 1995. They are as follows: - Comprehensive analysis of technical standards, market developments and other aspects of intelligence in networks (reference IS 1.94); - Study on local loop technologies and strategies in the context of the transition from N-ISDN to B-ISDN (reference IS 2.94); - Study on interconnection issues of mobile and fixed networks, on interoperability issues of services/applications supported by those networks and on mobility aspects in fixed networks (reference IS 3.94); - Status of the development of advanced networks in PHARE and TACIS countries (reference IS 4.94). The terms of reference for the studies may be requested from: European Commission Directorate-General for Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research DG XIII/A Mr P. Picard 200 rue de la Loi (BU 9-6/204) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2968342; Fax +32-2-2968393 Tenders may be sent to the same address.