Extension of the European Community Course Credit Transfer System (ECTS)
After two initial years of implementing the European Community course credit transfer system, ECTS, (Action 3 of the ERASMUS programme to aid the mobility of university students in the Community), the Commission of the European Communities wishes to extend the inner circle of 84 universities and consortia of universities selected for participation in the 1989-1995 pilot phase. Hence universities not already participating are invited to apply in one or several of the five ECTS subject areas: Business administration; chemistry; history; mechanical engineering; medicine. Those universities selected normally receive a grant to aid implementation of the system.Full documentation is available from: Erasmus Bureau Academic Recognition and Credit Transfer Department 15 rue d'Arlon B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2330111; Fax +32-2-2330150; Telex 63528