PETRA national coordination units
The PETRA programme has established a number of national coordination units in the Member States of the European Union. They are as follows: - Belgium: Mrs. Inge Vansweevelt Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Departement Onderwijs - Dienst Europese Projecten PETRA Trierstraat 92, bus 3 B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2381411; Fax +32-2-2381444 Ms. Claudine Moens-Piery/Mr Paul Cotton Agence PETRA-LINGUA Place Surlet de Chokier 15/17 B-1000 Bruxelles Tel. +32-2-2218937; Fax +32-2-2218923 - Denmark: Mr. Benny DYLANDERACIU Hesselogade 16 DK-2100 Copenhagen Tel. +45-39271922; Fax +45-39272217 - Germany: Dr. Monique Nijsten Carl-Duisberg-Gesellschaft eV Hohenstaufenring 30-32 D-50674 Koln Tel. +49-221-2098365; Fax +49-221-2098114 Mr. Wolfgang Dick Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung Feuerbachstr. 42-46 D-60325 Frankfurt Tel. +49-69-7111438; Fax +49-69-7111540 Mr. Dr. Georg Hanf Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung Fehrbelliner Platz 3 D-10707 Berlin Tel. +49-30-86432284; Fax +49-30-8621375 Mrs. Beate Moog Stiftung Mitarbeit Bornheimer Str. 37 D-53111 Bonn Tel. +49-228-630023; Fax +49-228-695421 - Greece: Ms. Konstantia Kourkouta Organization of Vocational Education and Training Sygrou 56 GR-11 742 Athens Tel. +30-1-9229446; Fax +30-1-9228690 - Spain: Mrs. Susana De Miguel Navas/Sra. Reyes Vazquez Marijuan Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Direccion General de Formacion Profesional Reglada y Promocion Educativa C/ Argumosa 43 Pabellon 5 E-28071 Madrid Tel. +34-1-5285324; Fax +34-1-5280857 Mrs. Concha Vico Cajal/Mrs. Teresa Martin Sanchez Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Direccion General de Formacion Profesional Reglada y Promocion Educativa C/ Los Madrazo 17 1a Plta E-28071 Madrid Tel. +34-1-5221100; Fax +34-1-5213775 Mr. Jorge Canovas Mendez/Mr. Rafael Prieto Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales Direccion General de Migraciones C/ Pintor Rosales 44 E-28071 Madrid Tel. +34-1-3477170; Fax +34-1-3479054 - France: Ms. Claudine Boudre-Millot Unite PETRA c/o Cnous 8 rue Jean Calvin F-75005 Paris Tel. +33-1-40799149; Fax +33-1-45357248 Ms Marie-Paule Montay/Mr. Paul-Edmond Medus Unite PETRA c/o Racine 18 rue Friant F-75014 Paris Tel. +33-1-40448020; Fax +33-1-40447972 Ms Nicole Couderc Unite PETRA c/o ANPE "Le Galilee" 4 rue Galilee F-92198 Noisy-le-Grand Cedex Tel. +33-1-49317511; Fax +33-1-43056786 - Ireland: Ms. Elizabeth Watters Leargas Youth Exchange Bureau Avoca House 189/193 Parnell Street Dublin 1 Ireland Tel. +353-1-8731411; Fax +353-1-8731316 - Italy: Mrs. Marina Rozera ISFOL Via GB Morgagni 33 I-00161 Rome Tel. +39-6-445901; Fax +39-6-8547321 - Luxembourg: Mrs Martine Le Goueff-Neyen/Mme Nadine SchintgenFoprogest ASBL 23 rue Aldringen BP. 141 L-2011 Luxembourg Tel. +352-220267; Fax +352-220269 - Netherlands: Mr. Ton Farla CIBB Pettelaarpark 1 Postbus 1585 5200 BP 's-Hertogenbosch The Netherlands Tel. +31-73-124011; Fax +31-73-123425 Mr. Leo Van Der Hoeven/Mevr. Els Van Der Veer Stichting Uitwisseling Duinweg 5 Postbus 97 1860 AB Bergen NH The Netherlands Tel. +31-2208-95132; Fax +31-2208-94008 - Portugal: Mr. Porfirio Silva, Mrs. Elsa Castanheira Gat do Programa PETRA Rua S. Joao da Praca 90 - 1 Dto P-1100 Lisbon Tel. +351-1-8883828; Fax 351-1-8882968 - United Kingdom: Ms. Jane Owen/Mr. Jim Lumb/Ms. Subha Ray Central Bureau Seymour Mews House Seymour Mews London W1H 9PE United Kingdom Tel. +-44-71-4865101; Fax +44-71-9351017 Mr Ian Pawlby Youth Exchange Centre British Council 10 Spring Gardens London SW1A 2BN United Kingdom Tel. +44-71-3894030; Fax +44-71-3894033