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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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Results of VALUE II interfaces call for tender

In July 1993, the European Commission, DG XIII, launched a call for tender for the selection of organizations or individuals to undertake work related to the research/scientific community (Interface I) and research/society (Interface II) under the VALUE II programme. This prog...

In July 1993, the European Commission, DG XIII, launched a call for tender for the selection of organizations or individuals to undertake work related to the research/scientific community (Interface I) and research/society (Interface II) under the VALUE II programme. This programme is concerned with the dissemination and exploitation of knowledge resulting from the Community's specific RTD programmes (1992-1994). The aim of the Interface II call was to contribute to interdisciplinary reflection in relation to research, its methods, problems and impact. The Interface II call aimed at measures designed to identify and study the impact on society of the new scientific and technology knowledge acquired as a result of Community activities, particularly with regard to the interaction between science and technology, on the one hand, and society, on the other. Twenty project proposals were retained for funding. They are as follows: - Contractor: Cabinet Fontaneau: Contraintes et opportunites legales et institutionnelles pour la diffusion et la valorisation des activites de R&D. Le secteur medical et medico-pharmaceutique (Legal and institutional constraints and opportunities for the dissemination and exploitation of R&D activities. The medical and medico-pharmaceutical sector); - Contractor: VELA: Studio del ruolo attuale e potenziale dei soggetti Europei nella communicazione scientifica (Study on the present and potential role of European activities in scientific communication); - Contractor: Technology Transfer: The economics of research. Macro and micro economic factors; - Contractor: G&G Consulting: Human resources and communication methods and media employed in European activities aiming at the popularization of S&T or at the awareness of the public on S&T matters. Inventory of organizations and activities throughout the European Community; - Contractor: FHG ISI: Demand-driven RTD processes: Study on new insights on innovation and societal needs and review of experiments and methods. The innovation and technology transfer (ITT) sector; - Contractor: SOCINTEC: Efficient communication practices between university research and industry; - Contractor: CESO: O processo de inovacao tecnologica e os programas Comunitarios de I&DT (The process of technological innovation and the Community RTD programmes); - Contractor: FTU ASBL: Les formes d'expression et de relais de la demande publique et des besoins sociaux en matiere de RTD dans les domaines du travail et de l'environnement (The forms of expression and transfer of public demands and societal needs in the area of RTD in the fields of work and the environment); - Contractor: Building Research Establishment: Patterns of the communication of research. Obstacles and opportunities; - Contractor: University of Strathclyde: Are the potential economic returns of publicly funded biomedical R&D in the EC being realized by Member States and the Community as a whole?; - Contractor: Mediascience International: Les grands organismes de la recherche europeenne: Qui fait quoi en matiere de diffusion de l'information scientifique et technique vers la societe? (The main European research organizations: Who does what as regards disseminating scientific and technical information to society?); - Contractor: TNO: Study on new insights on innovation and societal needs. Critical review of studies and experiments on the development of societal needs and the implications for European RTD; - Contractor: FHG ISI: Legal and institutional constraints and opportunities for the dissemination and exploitation of R&D activities. The biotechnology sector; - Contractor: Metra Martec: Human resources and communication methods and media employed in European activities aiming at the popularization of S&T or at the awareness of the public on S&T matters. Evaluation of structures, methods and media; - Contractor: Metra Martec: Investigation of the present and the potential role of European actors in scientific communication. The role of professional and pressure groups; - Contractor: Infogroup: List and review existing studies, reports and other literature dealing with public awareness related topics of major interest, for example health, safety, the environment; - Contractor: IDIS: Investigation of the present and the potential role of the European actors in scientific communication. NGO organizations contribution; - Contractor: Technopolis: List and analyse recent Commission initiatives in the area of management, communication, economics of research; - Contractor: Univ. Pol. de Valencia: Interface structures in the Spanish innovation system. Their role in the diffusion of technology; - Contractor: Univ. de Santiago de Compostela: La periferia europea y la I&D comunitaria. Sinergias para el desarrollo regional y oportunidades de participacion. El caso espanol (The European periphery and Community R&D. Synergies for regional development and opportunities for participation. The Spanish situation).