Conformance testing services in telecommunications
A call for proposals, complementing calls published in OJ Nos. C 135 of 20.5.1987 C 34 of 10.2.1989 and C 59 of 9.3.1990 concerns the setting up of "conformity to standards" testing services in limited and specific areas of telecommunications. Centres wishing to apply shall offer such services equally to all Member States and will coordinate their work into a Community-wide mutual recognition scheme. Activities such as the development of testing tools and acquiring equipment shall be eligible as part of the support proposals, hence developers of test methods should arrange collaboration with centres wishing to offer the services.Details may be obtained from: Commission of the European Communities Directorate-General for Telecommunications, Information Industries and Innovation, XIII/D Attn. Mr. P. Picard, BREY/08/068 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2357482