Studies on the impact of internal market integration
The European Commission, DG XV, has published a call for tender for studies which analyse the effectiveness of measures taken to complete the internal market and their impact on the performance of operators and consumers within selected industrial and service markets. The studies will analyse the effectiveness and impact of measures within the following specified areas: - Construction site equipment (CPA 29.52.2-3 29.52.5 29.22.1-2 29.22.91); - Telecommunications equipment (NACE 344); - Road freight transport (NACE 723); - Air transport (NACE 75); - Distribution (NACE 61-65, 67); - Value-added telecommunications services (NACE 79); - Credit institutions, banking (NACE 81). Requests for documents may be sent either by post or by fax to: European Commission DG XV Internal Market and Financial Services Unit A/1 200 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2960213; Fax +32-2-2960950 Completed tenders should be sent to: European Commission DG XV/A/1 Avenue de Cortenbergh 107 Office No 39 B-1040 Brussels