Advance notice of call for proposals for the specific programme for transport
The European Commission, DG VII, has published an advance notice of the first call for proposals for the specific programme for research, technological development and demonstration in the field of transport (1994-1998): On 1 December 1994, the Council of the European Union reached agreement on a specific programme of research, technological development and demonstration in the field of transport (1994-1998). The programme text is currently undergoing final language checking, prior to its formal adoption and publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities. This advance notice is being published in order to speed up the implementation of the programme and to give researchers adequate time to prepare their proposals. Once the programme has been formally adopted, the Commission of the European Communities will issue the formal call for proposals, expected to be published in the Official Journal of 16 January 1995. Researchers intending to submit proposals should note that the Commission intends to confirm the deadline(s) for proposal submission indicated below when the formal call is published. The research areas and topics will be addressed, in general, in shared-cost RTD projects; other types of actions, including concerted actions, studies and other various measures are also envisaged. They will be implemented in conformity with the rules for implementation set out in Annex III of the Decision on the specific programme. Transport-related research features in several of the specific programmes for research and technological development besides transport, notably: Industrial and Materials Technologies, and Telematics and Non-Nuclear Energy. Proposers should therefore be aware of the individual characteristics of each programme and structure their proposals accordingly. The Community's contribution to shared-cost RTD projects will normally not exceed 50% of the total costs. Those universities and other institutions which do not have analytical budget accountancy will be reimbursed on the basis of 100% of the additional costs. As a general rule, projects should involve at least two non-affiliated organizations from different Member States or from one Member State and one Associated State. Information given to the Community relating to proposal application or the contract will be treated in confidence. Detailed information about the research areas and relevant tasks (work programme), procedures for the submission of proposals (information package) and the contract that will be established with successful proposers are available on request from the Commission's services. The outline work programme for this call for proposals is as follows: - Area 1: Strategic research; - Area 2: Rail transport - Area 3: Integrated transport chains; - Area 4: Air transport; - Area 5: Urban transport; - Area 6: Waterborne transport; - Area 7: Road transport. The work programme and the details contained in the additional information packages will enable proposers to clearly identify exactly which research tasks are covered in this first call for proposals. Proposers should indicate in any correspondence the areas of interest (1-7 as above). All correspondence concerning this call should be sent to: European Commission DG VII/A-4 200 rue de la Loi (BU-31 5/2) B-1409 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2954300; Fax +32-2-2954349