Quality control of food products: PHARE
An invitation to tender issued by the Government of Hungary for a project financed by the EEC involving the quality control of food products concerns the supply, in nine lots, of laboratory equipment (Project No PHR/90/064/010/001).Full information is available from Commission Offices in the Member States, or from: (a) Ministry of Agriculture, PHARE Programme -AICU Attn. Mr. G. Volpe or Mr. G. Rasko Kossuth L. ter, 11 room 399 H-1860 Budapest Tel. +36-1-533000, ext. 1928 or 2044; Fax +36-1-532750 (b) Commission of the European Communities, DG I Operational service PHARE 200 rue de la Loi (L84-3/17) B-1049Brussels Telex 21877 COMEUB; Fax +32-2-2355387