Call for expressions of interest in cooperation with Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean countries
The European Commission, DG I, has published a call for expressions of interest within the context of cooperation with Asian, Latin American and Mediterranean countries. The call covers the following tasks: - Policy analysis at national and/or sectoral level and the drawing-up of strategies, including sector support programmes; - Project and programme identification and appraisal; - Assessment of the results of evaluation and application of the results, in the following fields: . Development economics (macro and micro); . Private sector development (including establishment of an enabling environment due to improvements in the legal and regulatory framework, and promotion of joint ventures and measures to assist the informal sector); . Information management (including communication planning); . Rural development (including agronomy, livestock, civil engineering, water engineering) and mobilization of local authorities; . Environment (including tropical forest conservation); . Institutional development (including change management); . Social development; . Public health management and planning (including family planning); . Education planning (including primary, secondary and tertiary levels, and vocational training); . Analysis of male/female relationships; . Refugees; . Demography, population and migration; . Decentralized cooperation programmes; . Structural adjustments; . Energy conservation and use of renewable energy sources. After examination of the proposals received, the Commission will draw up a list of potential candidates. The list will be valid for three years from the date of publication of the call. The work will be carried out at the Commission's premises in Brussels and, in accordance with departmental requirements, contractors may have to perform tasks both in Europe and in third countries. Applications must be sent in triplicate, the original and two copies, by registered post to: European Commission DG I "North/South" AMI Reception Office (North-South Sector) 200 rue de la Loi (SC14 2/73) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2962316