General information on the specific programme for industrial and materials technologies (BRITE/EURAM III)
The European Commission, DG XII, has published a general information brochure on the specific programme for industrial and materials technologies (BRITE/EURAM III) under the Fourth Framework Programme. The main aims of the BRITE/EURAM III programme are to develop production technologies for tomorrow's industry, to create materials and technologies for product innovation, thereby stimulating job creation, and to develop new technologies for next-generation transport means. The programme has been allocated a budget of ECU 1,617 million for the period 1994-1998, which represents 13% of the total budget of the Fourth Framework Programme. The brochure examines the technical objectives of the programme, the necessary actions for implementing these objectives, the conditions for participation, and the programme's role as a global force for innovation. Examples of some recently completed BRITE/EURAM II projects are also provided.