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Content archived on 2022-11-18

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Transport work programme

The European Commission, DG VII, has published the work programme for the specific programme for transport under the Fourth Framework Programme for research and technological development and demonstration (1994-1998). The programme launched an advance notice of the first call...

The European Commission, DG VII, has published the work programme for the specific programme for transport under the Fourth Framework Programme for research and technological development and demonstration (1994-1998). The programme launched an advance notice of the first call for proposals on 15 December 1994. The full call for proposals was launched on 17 January 1995. Detailed information about the research areas and relevant tasks (work programme), procedures for the submission of proposals (information package) and the contract that will be established with successful proposers are available on request from the Commission's services. The outline work programme for the transport programme is as follows: - Area 1: Strategic research; - Area 2: Rail transport; - Area 3: Integrated transport chains; - Area 4: Air transport; - Area 5: Urban transport; - Area 6: Waterborne transport; - Area 7: Road transport.

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