Management of technical assistance contracts: ESF Objective 1 regions
Tenders are invited for the management of small technical assistance contracts in the preparation, monitoring and evaluation of operational programmes and other assistance financed by the European Social Fund in Objective 1 regions. Dual aims are: To provide a rapid professional service to DG V in the identification and provision of short-term external expertise; to provide direct technical assistance in certain specialized aspects of operations. Work also involves organization of conferences and meetings plus dissemination activity.Tender documents are available (to 5 July 1991) from: Commission of the European Communities Directorate- General for Employment, Industrial Relations and Social Affairs European Social Fund Directorate, Unit V/D/3 Building ARCH. I, office 1/11 200 rue de la Loi B- 1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2362806; Fax +32-2-2356507