Polish Central Statistical Office: Hardware/software upgrade (PHARE)
Under PHARE project PHR/090/060/020.003 tenders are invited for the supply of hardware or software upgrading the Polish Central Statistical Office informatic system (Phase 1: multi-user UNIX-based minicomputer systems). Three configurations are to be installed in 12 locations for use as a development system or as production, regional database and communications system. Lot 1: Hardware and maintenance, initial training, hot-line technical support. Lot 2: Software, maintenance, initial software training and hot- line support.The tender dossier is available from Commission Offices in the Member States or from: (a) Glowny Urzad Statystyczny - Central Statistical Office Al. Niepodleglosci 208 PL-00- 950 Warszawa, Poland (b) EUROSTAT, Statistical Office of the European Communities Directorate C, Unit 5 Office C 3/18, Batiment Jean Monnet L-2920 Luxembourg