Provision of terminological services in Spanish for Eurodicautom
The European Commission's Translation Service has published an invitation to tender for the provision of terminological services for expanding the Commission's terminological databank, Eurodicautom, in Spanish. The contract is divided into the following nine lots: - Lot 1: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of foodstuffs (products and techniques), biology and zoology; - Lot 2: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of earth and environmental sciences; - Lot 3: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of information technology and documentation. Lot 4: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of construction, public works and transport infrastructure; - Lot 5: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of finance, commerce, law and administration; - Lot 6: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of industries, especially textiles and glass; - Lot 7: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of mechanical engineering and techniques; - Lot 8: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of electrical engineering; - Lot 9: Addition of Spanish equivalents to the terminological collections in the field of medicine. Tenders may be for one, several or all lots. The tender documents may be requested from: European Commission Translation Service Directorate for General and Language Matters "Terminology and linguistic assistance" Unit (SdT-AGL/3) Jean Monnet Building (A2-101) L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430132551; Fax +352-430134309 Tenders may be sent to the same address.