PHARE: Supply of computer equipment to the Government of Poland
Tenders are invited for the supply of equipment in two lots to the Government of Poland (PHR/90/060/020/001). Lot 1: 27 desktop PCs to be networked and standalone, six laptops (networked/standalone), eleven printers, one desktop publishing system. Lot 2: 47 desktop PCs (as above), ten printers, two DTP systems. Tenders include supply of systems and application software (common proprietary packages).A tender dossier is available from Commission Offices in the Community or from (a) Commission of the European Communities Directorate General for External Relations Operational Service PHARE 200 rue de la Loi (L84-86 - 4/21) B-1049 Brussels (b) International Foundation for Capital Market Development and Ownership Changes in the Republic of Poland Centre for Privatization Room 326, ul. Krucza 36 PL-00-525 Warszawa