JRC specific research programmes (Euratom) 1992-1994
The Commission submitted on 31 July 1991 a proposal for a Council Decision adopting specific research programmes to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre for the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) for a period running from 1 January 1992 to 31 December 1994 (COM(91) 281). The specific programmes, which fully reflect the approach embodied in the third Framework programme, comprise: - Nuclear fission safety (ECU 164.34 million) - Controlled thermonuclear fusion (ECU 40.59 million); The funds estimated as necessary for the execution of the programme amount to ECU 204.93 million, plus ECU 2.07 million reserved for the centralized action on dissemination and exploitation of results. The scientific and technical objectives of the programmes, the rules for implementing them and the indicative breakdown of expenditures are annexed to the proposal.