PHARE: Computer system for Budapest Stock Exchange
The Government of Hungary issues an invitation to tender for a project financed by the EEC for the supply, in one lot, of a computer system for the Budapest Stock Exchange, including hardware, software, service and support. A bidders' conference will be held at the Stock Exchange on 27 November 1991, giving tenderers the opportunity to ask questions and to visit the trading floors. The registration document included in the tender dossier should therefore be returned as soon as possible.The tender dossier may be obtained from Commission Offices in the Member States and from the addresses below. Tenders should be sent to "Main Board Room 1, first floor" at the Budapest Stock Exchange address. (a) The Budapest Stock Exchange Deak Ferenc Utca 5 HU-1052 Budapest Tel./Fax 36-1-1182034 (b) Commission des Communautes Europeennes DG I, service operationnel PHARE Attn: M. R. Wezenbeek rue de la Loi 200 (L84-86 - 2/10) Tel. +32-2-2365603; Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32-2-2364251