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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Provision of services by national centres and correspondents to launch the European Industrial Relations Observatory

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions has published an invitation to tender for the provision of services by national centres and correspondents to launch the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO). The Foundation intends to co...

The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions has published an invitation to tender for the provision of services by national centres and correspondents to launch the European Industrial Relations Observatory (EIRO). The Foundation intends to conclude a service contract with national centres in all Member States of the European Union and Norway to launch the EIRO. The Foundation will also conclude a service contract with a special correspondent or development centre at the European level. The tasks of the national centres and special correspondent or centre are to supply information on industrial relations activities, to provide an inquiry service and to participate in the production of comparative/thematic supplements. It is planned to carry out the development of the EIRO in two phases: - Start-up phase (1 October 1996 to 30 September 1997). The objectives of this phase are mainly to: . Test products, services and operations; . Phase in products, services and operations; - Full implementation phase (1 October 1997 to 30 September 1998). The objectives of this phase are mainly to: . Establish a database with news, features and comparative records; . Produce a monthly bulletin; . Provide an annual review; . Establish an inquiry service; . Organize workshops and seminars. The performance of the national centres and correspondent will be evaluated on a regular basis. The contracts for the start-up phase and the full implementation phase will be for a duration of one year, each beginning, at the latest, four weeks following the signature of the contract. Interested parties should obtain complete information dossiers, including technical annexes on the services requested, from: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Mr. Hubert Krieger Loughlinstown Dublin 18 Ireland Tel. +353-1-2826888; Fax +353-1-2826456/2824206 Tenders must be sent to the same address.