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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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Qualitative studies on EU information activities

The European Commission, DG X, has launched a restricted invitation to tender for qualitative studies of public opinion regarding the European Union and its activities. In order to implement an information and communication policy, DG X needs to carry out qualitative studies ...

The European Commission, DG X, has launched a restricted invitation to tender for qualitative studies of public opinion regarding the European Union and its activities. In order to implement an information and communication policy, DG X needs to carry out qualitative studies on the public at large or on differentiated groups of citizens. These studies aim at bringing to light the current attitudes and behaviour of citizens with regard to the EU and its policies by gaining knowledge of the motivations and expectations by which the former are determined. The results must be workable, allowing for the development of themes on the basis of which an information or communication plan may be drawn up, and must also lead to methods which may be applied to this end. Qualitative studies must cover all the EU Member States. Studies should utilize the following methodologies: - "Focus groups"; - Individual non-directive interviews; - Interviews of experts; - In certain cases, content analyses; - Public opinion analyses. Tenderers may also use a combination of these techniques, or other specific techniques adapted to this context and proposed by the tenderer. Between 10 and 15 candidates will be invited to tender by the Commission. Companies invited to tender must be specialized in qualitative research and studies on public opinion. They must also be members of the European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (Esomar), and must be capable of undertaking and coordinating qualitative studies covering the entire European Union (15 Member States). Requests to participate should be sent to: European Commission DG X - Audiovisual, information, communication and culture Unit X/A/2 - Public opinion Ms. Anna Melich 200 rue de la Loi (T-120 4/8) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2999172; Fax +32-2-2994577