Information package on BRITE/EURAM thematic networks
The European Commission, DG XII, has issued a new edition of the information package for the thematic networks section of the Industrial Materials and Technologies specific RTD programme (BRITE/EURAM). The thematic networks section of BRITE/EURAM aims to establish links between projects in the European Community. There are two types of thematic network: - Type 1: linking non-Community-funded RTD activities; - Type 2: linking Community-funded projects. The call for BRITE/EURAM thematic networks, launched on 15 December 1994 (OJ No C 357 of 15.12.1994) is a continuously open call, for which proposals may be submitted at any time up to 17 December 1997. Proposals will be evaluated periodically each year, with evaluations planned in July and October 1996, January, April, July and October 1997, and January 1998. The indicative budget for the thematic networks is ECU 75 million in total. The information package contains details of the eligibility of proposals and of the procedures for submission and evaluation.