Evaluation of the radiological and economic consequences of decommissioning particle accelerators
The European Commission, DG XI, has launched an open call to tender for a study of the consequences of decommissioning particle accelerators. The study will be an evaluation of the radiological and economic consequences of decommissioning particle accelerators, including the following: - Selection of a set of representative accelerators currently in use in the EU; - Activation assessment; - Examination of volume of radioactive materials arising for different levels of exemption from regulatory control; - Review of volume-reduction techniques; - Cost evaluation of accelerator dismantling; - Investigation of possible design improvements. The study arises from elements of the 'Community strategy for radioactive waste management' (COM(94) 66 of 2 March 1994). The study must be completed within 18 months from the date of signature of the contract. Tenderers must have full access to a variety of accelerators. Tenderers must also have demonstrable experience in the operation of particle accelerators. Detailed tender specifications may be obtained from the European Commission. Requests for tender specifications, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission DG XI - Environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Mr. Sinnott Unit A/2 - Budget, finances and contracts 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 04/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449