Study of environmental NGOs
The European Commission, DG XI, has launched an open call to tender for a study on the participation of environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the standardization process. The objective of the study is to provide: - An analysis of the present and future participation of national and European NGOs in national, European and international standardization bodies; - Guidelines for Community action. The study must be completed within four months from the date on which the contract is signed. Candidates should be able to show proof of: - Understanding of the functioning of the different standardization organizations; - Experience of environmental standardization; - Working experience with environmental NGOs (at European and national level); - Familiarity with Community policies and with environmental issues. Full details are contained in the tender documents, which may be obtained from the Commission. Requests for tender documents, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission DG XI - Environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Mr. B. Sinnott Unit A/2 - Budget, finances and contracts 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 04/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449