Establishment of ecological criteria for eco-label award scheme
The European Commission, DG XI, has launched three open calls for tender relating to the establishment of criteria for the EU eco-label award scheme in three different product groups. The three product groups are as follows: - Textile products; - Passenger vehicles; - Personal computers. The Commission intends to award study contracts in the field of eco-labelling concerning the aforementioned product groups. The aim of these studies is to determine the feasibility of developing ecological criteria for the product groups in question. This will be done by undertaking, in each case: - A preliminary feasibility study, including an indication of what information is available on the product group, the nature of the market, the perceived environmental issues, the advantages of the product group being labelled and identification of the main problem areas; - A market study, including the characterization of different types of the product, market shares held by manufacturers and by main brands on an EU and Member State basis and an inventory of existing or planned initiatives regarding take-back; - A life-cycle analysis (LCA) of the product group, including an inventory of environmental/natural resources interactions, the classification and evaluation of impacts and a sensitivity analysis of various options, also taking into account "design for the environment". In addition, for the textile products, supplementary work will be required on existing criteria for some textile products. Each study must be completed within 14 months of the date on which the contract is signed. Tenderers must be able to show proof of experience in LCAs and eco-labelling, as well as general experience of environmental issues and specific experience regarding the environmental issues related to the relevant product group. Full details of each tender may be obtained from the European Commission. Requests for tender documents, and completed tenders, should be sent to: European Commission DG XI - Environment, nuclear safety and civil protection Mr. B. Sinnott Unit A/2 - Budget, finances and contracts 200 rue de la Loi (TRMF 04/87) B-1049 Brussels Fax +32-2-2994449