ECUP copyright discussion list
An open discussion list on copyright has been initiated by the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA) for all those interested in participating in discussions on copyright. The list has been set up under the concerted action "ECUP+" (European Copyright User Platform), which is financed under the "Libraries" sector of the Community's Telematics Applications programme. The aim of the list is to allow librarians and information professionals throughout Europe to discuss: - European legislative developments and policies; - Interpretation and scope of national copyright laws; - How the existing "user rights" under copyright apply to the use of electronic material; - The library position on Interlibrary Loan (ILL) of electronic material; - Licensing issues and European Copyright Management Systems (ECMS); - The implementation of the Directive on lending rights; - Copyright duration issues, etc. The list will also provide updates on copyright discussions in the USA. Every week, the moderator will publish a summary of the discussions which appeared on the CNI-copyright discussion list. The list is also open for announcements on events, publications, new sites, proposals for legislation, etc.