European Parliament: Community Energy Year, 1994
A Resolution of the European Parliament (13 September 1991) on 1994 being declared Community Energy Year, calls for the Communities to declare that year "Community Energy Year" with the aim of promoting and mounting informative events and debates, illustrating the problem and informing public opinion on the energy policy being pursued by the EC institutions. The Resolution urges the Commission to submit a general programme on Community energy supplies no later than the beginning of 1992 and to carry out a comparative study of the various environmental effects of the present non-renewable sources of energy. The Resolution also calls on the Council and Commission to promote Community and international action to enable a firm technical foundation to be established for the energy debate (energy consumption management strategies, energy saving standards for household appliances, modernization of old turbines in nuclear power stations, use of wind energy and biomass, solar-based hydrogen production). The collaboration of all concerned bodies should be sought. European Energy scenarios should be set out by the Commission according to the guidelines put forward in the Resolution. The Parliament further calls on the Commission to sponsor parks and exhibitions in collaboration with the Member States and with the public and private entities involved in such projects.