Third call for proposals for SMT programme: Theme I
The European Commission, DG XII, has published a call for proposals for research and technological development activities under the specific RTD programme in the field of standards, measurement and testing (SMT) (1994-1998). The RTD activities included in the call cover the following areas of the work programme: 2.1. Shared cost: RTD projects for the following themes of the specific programme: - Theme I: Measurements for quality European products (prospective budget: ECU 20,000,000). The work programme, the information package containing the procedures to be followed for the submission of proposals and the model contract to be established for approved proposals are available from the Commission upon request. A description of work undertaken in previous related programmes will also be provided upon request. All correspondence, as well as proposals for RTD activities, should be submitted to: European Commission DG XII - Science, research and development Directorate C 75 rue Montoyer B-1040 Brussels Fax +32-2-2958072