224 INTAS scientific cooperation projects with NIS approved
The General Assembly of INTAS, the International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists of the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union, has approved the co-financing of 224 projects. The projects selected were submitted in response to three calls for projects launched in October 1995 by INTAS in cooperation with the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The total financial support to be given to the projects amounts to around ECU 11.2 million. In addition, ECU 2.9 million was allocated for the prolongation of 101 projects originally funded by INTAS following a call in 1993. INTAS now funds more than 1,200 projects, with total funding of over ECU 60 million. The General Assembly has also decided to hold a call for projects towards the end of 1996. This call will have a budget of approximately ECU 20 million.
Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine