Results of Nuclear Fission Safety call of 17 January 1995
A total of 152 proposals were received at the second deadline (28 February 1996) of the call for proposals launched on 17 January 1995 under the Nuclear Fission Safety programme (1994-1998). During the period 18 March to 18 April 1996, 148 eligible proposals were evaluated by seven specific groups of experts for their scientific, technical and strategic merits. All research areas of the programme were covered, namely: - A: Exploring innovative approaches (only concerted actions); - B: Reactor safety; - C: Radioactive waste management and disposal and decommissioning; - D: Radiological impact on man and the environment; - E: Mastering the events of the past. Contract negotiations have now started for the 89 proposals selected, with a total EC contribution of about ECU 44 million. This concludes the implementation of the shared-cost actions under the programme, while the call for proposals for concerted actions remains open until 1 November 1997.