Industrial and materials technologies (BRITE/EURAM II)
The Commission makes a call for proposals concerning the specific programme of research and technology development in the field of industrial and materials technologies (Areas 1 & 2) BRITE/EURAM II. Research areas and topics will be addressed, in general, via shared-cost RTD projects. Consortia of eligible organizations are invited to submit proposals for the areas and topics covered by the work programme, comprising: - Materials and raw materials: Raw materials; recycling; structural materials; materials for magnetic, superconducting, optical, electrical and biomedical applications; mass commodity materials. - Design and manufacturing: Design of products and processes; manufacturing; engineering and management strategies for the whole product life cycle. Background material plus detailed information on proposal submission is available from the Commission's services. Proposals, and correspondence concerning this call, should be sent to: Commission of the European Communities Ref: BRITE/EURAM call for proposals (Areas 1 & 2) DG XII, Directorate C rue Montoyer 75 B-1040 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2352345; Telex COMEU B 21877; Fax +32-2-2358046