PHARE: Monitoring of drinking water quality
An invitation to tender is issued by the Government of the Czech & Slovak Federal Republic for a project financed by the European Economic Community. It concerns the supply in eight lots of sophisticated, mostly PC supported, chemical analytical instruments for improving the monitoring of drinking water quality, including micropollutants of both organic and non-organic nature, with special emphasis on toxic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated compounds, radioactive substances and heavy metals.The complete tender dossier can be obtained from Commission Offices in the Member States and from: (a) Mr. Ivan Prokopik Federal Committee for the Environment PHARE Programme Implementation Unit (PIU) Slezska 9 120 29 Praha 2 Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (b) Commission of the European Communities DG I - Operational Service PHARE 200 rue de la Loi (LO184 - 2/3) B-1049 Brussels Telex 21877 COMEU B; Fax +32-2-2355387