Pilot telecommunications project for data exchange (CADDIA programme)
The Commission of the European Communities issues an invitation to tender for the implementation of a pilot telecommunications project for data exchange between national administrations and the Commission in the framework of the CADDIA programme (National Servers). The objective is to implement pilot OSI telecommunications facilities using the X.400 protocols for the national administrations of Denmark, France, Greece, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, and their Commission partners in DG VI, DG XXI and EUROSTAT. Principal aims are to harmonize the implementation of data communications and to support existing applications (file transfer and messaging). Platforms running an operating system conforming to the X-OPEN CAE guidelines (XPG/3) and the POSIX operating system interface guidelines (ISO 9945-1) will be selected, together with necessary X.400 software. A management structure must be put into place for development, installation, training, operation, and support. A detailed invitation to tender will be sent to organizations expressing interest.Applications should be sent to: Commission of the European Communities DG XIII\D\5 CADDIA Programme Attn: Mr. Peeters 200 rue de la Loi (B24 1/28) B-1049 Brussels Tel.+32-2-2992246; Fax +32-2-2990286; Telex 63425