ESC opinion on the Commission communication "The European electronics and information technology industry"
On 28 November 1991, the Economic and Social Committee (ESC) adopted an opinion on the communication from the Commission "The European electronics and information technology industry: state of play, issues at stake and proposals for action" (SEC(91) 565 of 3.4.1991). Discussing the Commission's five point action plan (covering demand, technology, training, external relations, and the business environment), the Committee agrees that suitable industrial policy measures must be implemented to provide the European information technology and electronics industry with competitive structures and good job prospects offering good working conditions. Coordinated EC-level action is needed to secure the competitive future of this sector. A policy on new products is required. This should take the form of Community RTD policy and product innovation (inter alia ensuring that national and European levels complement each other and that there are more cooperative projects in Europe); a "second generation" of RTD projects should range from precompetitive basic research to projects geared more closely to the market. Long-term Community research on semiconductors should be expanded. Efficient corporate and production structures, trade policy, standards, employment and training are also discussed.