Environmental measures for sustainable development in developing countries
The Council of the European Union has adopted a Regulation on environmental measures in developing countries in the context of sustainable development. The Regulation provides a framework for the Community to support developing countries' environmental measures. This support will take the form of financial assistance or technical assistance. The aim is to encourage developing countries to integrate environmental protection and sustainable development concepts into their daily life. Assistance provided under the Regulation will complement and reinforce assistance provided under other development cooperation instruments. Activities to be supported under the Regulation will include: - Assisting developing countries in designing and implementing national strategies for sustainable and equitable development; - Improving policies and practices for management and conservation of ecosystems; - Preserving biological diversity; - Preserving areas of high environmental pressure and/or trans-regional ecosystems; - Improving practices for soil conservation and agricultural management; - Improving the environment and regional planning; - Applying and transferring technologies adapted to local environmental constraints and needs; - Activities aimed at avoiding emissions harmful to the climate; - Facilitating the adaptation of production processes in developing countries and raising awareness of environmental constraints impacting on trade; - Making local populations more aware of the notion of sustainable development; - Initiatives aimed at protecting ecosystems and habitats and maintaining biological diversity. A maximum total budget of ECU 45 million will be available for projects under the Regulation. Projects supported will include pilot schemes, establishing guidelines and operational instruments, environmental impact studies, and inventory and statistical work.