"ORA 1992: RTD on telematic systems for rural areas"
This document describes R&D to be undertaken during the period 1992-1994 as part of the ORA subprogramme on telematic systems for rural areas (Area 7 of the specific programme of research and technological development in the field of telematic systems in areas of general interest, 1990-1994). The report presents: - The rationale, background and objectives of the R&D in this field; - The overall goals, structure and management of the programme; - Work to be undertaken and its relationship with the programme's structure and objectives; - Related activity in other areas of the specific programme on telematic systems and the specific programme of communications technologies (RACE II); - Detailed information on individual ORA projects and related RACE and DELTA projects; - Tasks open for proposals in 1992; - Task descriptions for which resources are not yet available; - A listing of participating organizations.