ESPRIT - Support for EITC'97
The European Commission, DG III, has published an open invitation to tender (No III-97-25) for the provision of logistical support services to assist the Community's ESPRIT programme in the preparation of the annual European IT Conference (EITC'97), which will take place on 24-26 November 1997 in the Brussels Congress Centre. The tasks to be carried out relate to the management and coordination of press and media relations before and during the conference. The full specifications of all tasks to be carried out is included in the tender documentation. Tender documentation should be requested from: European Commission DG III - Industry Ms. Susan Panter DG III/F-1 200 rue de la Loi (N105 8/94) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2994785; Fax +32-2-2968388 E-mail: