Libraries programme: Results of first call for tenders
The Libraries programme, part of the specific RTD programme for Telematics systems in areas of general interest (1990-1994), made a first call for proposals in 1991. The 93 proposals submitted involved a total of 379 organizations in all Member States. After evaluation, completed in February 1992, 14 proposals were retained. These represent all types of libraries, library networking organizations, research departments, and a range of private sector companies. The projects cover the four programme action lines, and comprise: - Investigation of automatic proofreading and error detection problems; - Conversion of OCR-captured printed records to machine-readable UNIMARC format; - Fast electronic document delivery via existing network structures, and implementation of OSI-based standards; - Development of an international system using EDIFACT standards for acquisition of library materials; - Pilot implementation of the ISO/OSI Search and Retrieve protocol for end-user access to bibliographic databases; - Telematic means of accessing and delivering audio-based materials - ISDN connection of optical disk full-colour image banks, and development of multi-lingual search dialogues; - Technical means for selecting, transmitting and storing high-quality images of fine art materials; - Prototype work station plus software for access to bibliographic descriptions of musical documents; - Design and evaluation of multilingual hypertext interfaces using industry standard software and hardware; - Representation of the Greek character set and tool development for exchange of Greek/multiscript records; - Development of European library access to an information source holding data on books in print; - Prototype electronic distribution of journal contents pages and creation of online machine-searchable index; - Development of recommendations and specifications for the provision of library equipment/services for the visually handicapped. This first call is seen as a start-up action, designed to provide necessary momentum, experience and lead-time in the context of subsequent calls. Though only a limited number of the proposals retained address core areas, their scope and variety is expected to provide a broad base for project experience and learning in the EC library community.