Pilot olive-grove register: Portugal and Greece
An invitation to tender issued by the Commission of the European Communities (DG VI/C-4 in collaboration with the JRC) concerns the execution of a pilot project in the framework of establishing an olive-grove register in Portugal and Greece. The operation is to create: A list of specifically identified holdings with olive-oil production of 300 kg minimum; a list of olive-grove plots, with geographical references and related to the holdings; an index of characteristics describing holdings and plots. The proposed method involves execution of a high altitude flight, interpretation of aerial photographs, creation of a provisional list of olive-grove holdings on the basis of already existing information, ground collection of the characteristics of holdings and plots, aerial survey sampling for qualitative evaluation of the project, plus a report on the nature of all holdings with production below 300 kg. The aim of the project is to run a survey in selected village areas of the method proposed as well as the predicted variables. Each Member State represents a single lot for which a separate tender may be made. Documentation may be obtained (until 30.4.1992) from: Commissione delle Comunita europee Centro Commune di Ricerca Att.ne Sig. F. Toselli, TP 441 I-21020 Ispra, Varese Fax +39-332-789074