Council debate on future Community RTD
The Council, at its 1569th session (Research) on 29 April 1992, debated future Community research and technological development policy in relation to the fourth Framework Programme. Discussion was based on the Commission communication entitled "Research after Maastricht: An assessment, a strategy" (SEC(92) 682) and on a communication from the Presidency on technology and innovation in the context of economic and social cohesion (SEC(92) 699). In conclusion: - The Council emphasizes that future priorities for action in Community RTD must be established in the light of a thorough evaluation of previous actions in this field. To this end, the Council invites the Scientific and Technical Research Committee (CREST) to analyse the Commission evaluation; - The Commission is invited to prepare with the shortest possible delay proposals in the context of the fourth Framework Programme and, if necessary to avoid discontinuity in the provision of resources, of the third Framework Programme. These should take into account the evaluation of the second Framework Programme, the necessity to ensure the continuity of RTD activities, and the present Council debate; - The Council invites the Committee of Permanent Representatives to examine the Commission's proposals so as to permit the Council to define at it's session of October 1992 clear priorities for the future.