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Content archived on 2022-11-17

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PHARE: Laboratory equipment, Germany

A call for tenders for a project financed by the Commission of the European Communities concerns the provision in two lots of equipment for laboratories in Magdeburg and Dresden to study hazardous substances in the environment in the Elbe's catchment area (PHARE project No 90/...

A call for tenders for a project financed by the Commission of the European Communities concerns the provision in two lots of equipment for laboratories in Magdeburg and Dresden to study hazardous substances in the environment in the Elbe's catchment area (PHARE project No 90/058/030/001): - Lot 1 (Magdeburg), equipment for: TOC measurement; ICP measurement; Tenside measurement; weighing for trace analysis; weighing for dry matter; water purification unit; bacterial toxicity measurement; test procedure for green algae; test procedure for daphnia and fish; non-degradability measurement (Sapromet); ion chromatograph; automatic washer. - Lot 2 (Dresden): Tenside measuring equipment complying with law on detergents; two adjustable instruments for trace analysis; mobile station for automated monitoring of watercourses (physical and chemical basic programme); equipment for determination of bacterial toxicity in water; fluorescence test for green algae; fish and daphnia test procedure; non-degradability measurement. Tenders may be submitted for one or both lots. Participation is open to natural and legal persons of the EC Member States and of the countries eligible for the PHARE programme. Supplies must originate in these States.Technical specifications are available from: (a) Commission of the European Communities DG I, Operational Service PHARE 84 rue de la Loi B-1049 Brussels (b) Saechsisches Staatministerium fuer Umwelt und Landesentwicklung Postschliessfach 121 Ostra-Allee 23 O-8012 Dresden



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