Being a young person with an inflammatory intestinal illness
Their two pieces of research work, Being a young person with an inflammatory intestinal illness and "Skills for Nursing Professionals working First Aid", have obtained the first and second prizes of, respectively, 3,000 and 1,800 euros. The first prize was awarded for qualitative research on young people between 18 and 30, all members of the Association for Crohn Disease and Ulcerous Colitis patients of Alava (in the Basque Country) with the goal of knowing the lifestyle of young people with an inflammatory intestinal illness and the coping mechanisms most commonly used by them. The psycho-social environment of the young person is seen to be clearly marked by the process in its initial phase (symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, etc.) and the influence of the chronic or episodic character of these illnesses are patent on family, social, school and working relationships...etc. and, in general, affects the young person, their terms of reference and the way in which they understand the world throughout their life, which also involves perceptions of their future. The various strategies employed for coping with their reality are gone, such as negation, distancing, looking for social support, cure expectations, the appearance of new resolution-orientated behaviour and positive approach. Set within a humanistic and critical framework, a series of recommendations for nurses are made which enable the improvement and offer of quality attention in a holistic and individualised manner for these young people. Sheila Sánchez Gómezs study attempts to develop reflexive and critical processes of planning, co-ordination and control of knowledge flow for nursing professionals within Primary Health Services framework. In this way processes of generation of new knowledge are created with the aim increasing nursing intellectual skills and having a healthier community.