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FIZ Karlsruhe makes more than one million French patent documents available on STN International

New patent database FRANCEPAT with comprehensive legal status data and more than 400,000 technical drawings / special pharmaceutical patents

Karlsruhe, March 2004 - FIZ Karlsruhe, one of Europes leading providers of information services, and European partner of premier science and technology online service STN International, has added the new bibliographic patent database FRANCEPAT to its comprehensive product portfolio. FRANCEPAT, a private service under distribution agreement with Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle (INPI), Paris, France, contains more than one million records of French patents and patent applications with more than 400,700 images of patent drawings. It thus complements the coverage of French patents on STN and provides the most complete picture of patent publications from France. FRANCEPAT covers all French patent applications and granted French patents published by the INPI. All patents published in France since 1966 as well as special pharmaceutical patents (Brevets Spéciaux Médicaments) published between 1961 and 1978 are included as well as Complementary Protection Certificates from 1969 onwards. Records include bibliographic, administrative and legal status data for each patent. Abstracts and descriptors are also available since 1978. All records are in French, but English descriptors are available from 1987 onwards for customers who prefer English terminology and IPC codes for subject searching. The database is updated weekly. Simultaneous left and right truncation (searches using the root of a word, with prefixes and/or suffixes substituted by question marks) is possible, as well as multifile searching in several databases at the same time (e.g. using the IPC code). Weekly or monthly automatic current awareness-searches (SDIs) allow for an automatic monitoring of patenting activities (by patent number, IPC code or controlled terms). FIZ Karlsruhe plans to add a French Patent full-text file based on OCR data later this year. The more than 220 databases on STN can be accessed by dialling into STNs online service using its powerful proprietary client software, STN Express with Discover! Alternatively, it can be accessed directly over the Internet using a standard web browser ( At a later time, FRANCEPAT may also be available in STN Easy®, the point-and-click interface for occasional searchers unfamiliar with the STN command language. For more information please contact: FIZ Karlsruhe,STN Europe,P.O. Box 2465,76012 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 7247 808 555,Fax: +49 7247 808 131,E-mail:,; http://www. Press contact: Rüdiger Mack,Phone: +49 7247 808 513,Fax: +49 7247 808 131,E-mail: Ruediger.Mack@fiz-karlsruhe.deA non-profit scientific service institution, FIZ Karlsruhe produces and markets scientific and technical information services in print and electronic form worldwide. In cooperation with national and international institutions, FIZ Karlsruhe produces databases in the fields of energy, nuclear research and technology, crystallography, plastics, mathematics, computer science and physics. FIZ Karlsruhe also provides a search service for R&D in corporations and institutions.,FIZ Karlsruhe also operates STN International in Europe. STN International (The Scientific & Technical Information Network) is one of the worlds leading online services offering access to bibliographic, factual and full-text databases in science and technology. At present, STNs comprehensive product range encompasses more than 220 databases with approx. 400 million documents from all fields of science and technology, among them the worlds largest and most important patent files.,STN International is jointly operated by FIZ Karlsruhe, Germany; Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Columbus, OH, USA; and The Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), Tokyo.