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Content archived on 2023-03-01

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Launch of "LIAISON"

The European Commission will officially launch 1st september in Toulouse (France) the program < LIAISON >, a 20 million euros Integrated Project aiming at developing Location Based Services (LBS) for the enhancement of Working Environment.

This 42 months Research&Development program is funded in the frame of the IST 6th framework program 2nd call.,LIAISON, led by Alcatel Space, is an answer to the need of professional market for location and mobility services (security, safety, efficiency). It will enhance the LBS technologies and applications already existing for the mass market, in order to meet the professional requirements.,LIAISON federates a European pole of excellence, composed of 34 partners including major telecommunication operators, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), content provider, services provider and End Users. This consortium is committed to build commercial solutions targeting the workers, and re-usable for the mass market. As project coordinator, Remi Challamel from Alcatel Space highlights that:, Thanks to innovative technological development, LIAISON will develop seamless and personalised location services across heterogeneous network (GSM, TETRA, WLAN,). On top of that, LIAISON will benefit from EGNOS and ultimately GALILEO, thus promoting the usage of European infrastructure. The results will be used to bring consistent recommendation for harmonisation of labour legislation in Europe, and contribute to fullfill the E112 directive. ,They will contribute to pave the way to the European excellence in the mobility market.