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Content archived on 2023-03-01

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Lautenschlager Research Prize 2005

One of the most generously endowed international research prizes for top-flight research is going to be awarded for the third time by the University of Heidelberg. Eligible for the 250,000 Euros prize are top-level internationally renowned scientists and scholars from all disciplines. Nomination deadline is on 15 January 2005.

Though it has only been awarded twice so far, the Lautenschläger Research Prize has already established itself as one of the major international awards for top-quality research. "Encouraging internationally conducted top-flight research initiated by Heidelberg scholars and scientists or undertaken in conjunction with them is the main aim of the Lautenschläger Research Prize," says Prof. Dr. Jochen Tröger, vice-Rector for research. Recipients of the Prize will be either internationally respected members of the University of Heidelberg itself or renowned researchers from elsewhere with a distinctive and intensive record of collaboration with the University. Scientists and scholars from all disciplines are eligible for the prize, whether they are working in the sciences, medicine, the arts and humanities or the social sciences. In terms of eligibility, no distinction is made between application-oriented and basic research. The first two Lautenschläger awards went to research work done in high-energy physics and cancer research. The Awarding Committee is made up of renowned scholars and scientists, as well as representatives of major academic organisations. Recently, two new members joined the Committee: Prof. Wolfgang Franz, President of the European Economic Research Centre and Prof. Otmar Wiestler, CEO and Chief Science Officer of the German Cancer Research Centre. Candidates for the Prize can be proposed by members of the academic staff of the University of Heidelberg, by universities abroad with a record of academic cooperation with the Univrsity of Heidelberg, by academies of science in Germany and elsewhere, by the institutes of the major German academic organisations and by holders of the Leibniz Prize and the Max Planck Research Prize. Application for the Prize on one's own behalf is not admissible. For more information and access to the nomination documents, apply to ,Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg,Forschungsdezernat,Dr. Jens Hemmelskamp / Marianne Schork,Seminarstraße 2,D-69117 Heidelberg ,phone: 06221/542146 (Dr. Hemmelskamp),phone: 06221/542367 (Marianne Schork),fax: 06221/543599 email:, Journalists should address their inquiries to,Dr. Michael Schwarz,Press Officer of the University of Heidelberg,phone: 06221/542310, fax: 54317,email:,

