EU delegation to International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology
Professor Ezio Andreta and Dr Renzo Tomellini will outline the European Strategy for Nanotechnology and explain the latest European (FP6) WorkProgramme for nanotechnology research. ,They will also lead a workshop to develop greater collaboration between the EU and New Zealand researchers in the field of nanotechnology., ,The accompanying delegation will include: Professor I. Bruce (UK), Professor M.-I. Baraton (FR), Professor C. Eijkel (NL) and Professor H. Schmidt (DE)., ,In its publication "Setting the nanotechnology research agenda" the Commission describes nanotechnology "as emerging as one of the key technologies of the 21st Century and (is) expected to enable developments across a wide range of sectors that can benefit citizens and improve industrial competitiveness." According to the Commission's brochure "Nanotechnology - Innovation for tomorrow's world", nanotechnology offers possible solutions to many current problems by means of smaller, lighter, faster and better performing materials, components and systems. This opens up new opportunities for wealth creation and employment. Nanotechnology is also expected to make some essential contributions to solving global and environmental challenges by realising more specific-to-use products and processes, save resources and lower waste and emissions. Further information: on AMN-2 on nanotechnology in FP6 MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology