CEEC IST NET - A support action to promote the participation of ICT actors in FP6
They will be hosted via a web-based community portal (http://www.eu-istcommunity.net). The communities will be opened to stakeholders from all Europe, with a special focus on the in the CEEC (Central & Eastern European Countries, namely Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey), where pro-active promotional and data collection activities will be carried out. The project also plans other activities / services to the registered users: - Mapping of IST competencies in the CEEC and publication of a mapping report in each country,- Assistance to the preparation of FP6 proposals when they include partners from the CEEC,- Network consolidation activities to sustain and enforce the network created (working groups, virtual brokerage, etc.) The project is supported by the European Commission and has been submitted under the IST-3 call (instrument: SSA).,For more information, please browse http://www.eu-istcommunity.net