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Content archived on 2023-03-01

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Off-flavours in wine and other beverages

An international conference on off-flavours in wine and other beverages, will take place in Tarragona, Spain, from 23 to 25 November 2005.

Organised by the EU funded Fifth Framework Programme (FP5) project INNOCUOUS (innovation in the process of cork production for elimination of odours responsible for cork taint), the conference will bring together the world's leading authorities to discuss new developments in research on the origin detection and control of substances responsible for off-flavour in the wine and beverage industries. The congress is divided in four thematic blocks. Three will cover the origin of the undesired aromas (molecules responsible for the flavour to cork and other aromas and flavours); detection (state-of-the-art of the detection systems) and the control (prevention and treatment). A fourth will analyse EU funded research projects in the area. At the end of the congress, there will be a round table with representatives of the academic and industrial sectors. For further information, please visit:

