CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-07-14

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Web-based project management for FP6 projects

A workshop on understanding the principles of electronic collaboration and dissemination tools that can be used to facilitate the implementation of Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) projects, as well as the effective dissemination of research results, will take place in Cambridg...

1 March 2005 - 1 March 2005
United Kingdom
A workshop on understanding the principles of electronic collaboration and dissemination tools that can be used to facilitate the implementation of Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) projects, as well as the effective dissemination of research results, will take place in Cambridge, the UK, on 1 March.

The aim of the workshop is to examine the importance of using web-based electronic collaboration tools for FP6 project management. It will also address network management and dissemination, the view of the European Commission, desired functionality and how to assess products that are currently available.For further information, please contact:
Andrew Jackson