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Content archived on 2022-07-14

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'Regenerating organs and other small challenges', London, UK

The 'Regenerating organs and other small challenges' conference will take place on 26 April 2012 in London, UK.

Doctors can replace nearly every part of the human body, from skin and bones to organs, hands and faces. Nevertheless, transplantation medicine remains challenging...

10 July 2012 - 10 July 2012
United Kingdom
The 'Regenerating organs and other small challenges' conference will take place on 26 April 2012 in London, UK.

Doctors can replace nearly every part of the human body, from skin and bones to organs, hands and faces. Nevertheless, transplantation medicine remains challenging and complex, with a key area of concern being transplant rejection. This has fuelled the growth of the interdisciplinary field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

This conference will highlight research using directed stem cell differentiation for musculoskeletal engineering and new approaches in tissue regeneration including modulation of cell behaviour through nanoscale architecture and bioactive scaffolds. It will also be a forum for discussions and the exchange of information on recent developments of peptide-functionalised nanoparticles for enzyme biosensing that have enabled highly sensitive facile enzyme detection.For further information, please visit: